Sunday, December 2, 2007

Brain Sync

I have been experimenting a lot with Brain Sync to see if it has any effects. I have to say I am very pleased with the results. In times where you feel that there is just too much on your mind to be able to accomplish a few things in the day, Brain Sync helps to relieve the tension on your thoughts and allow frustration and anxiety to be discarded from the brain. I recommend trying their free online meditation, although I am not too much of a big fan of the brain sync albums that give a guided relaxation voice in the background. You can either buy them, or obviously find it on your own. I don't advocate piracy, but that's out of my hands. It's really convenient to have in your disposal in a mp3 player, which is what I do. I like to listen to the Creative Thinking track when I work on my animations or on school work. High Focus and Super Learning are also very convenient. Try it out, and remember that they are self-help tools, they will only work if you allow yourself to be helped and use them for your own benefit. Open your mind, grow, become a better person.